Tales from the Dark Side...of Love: Lara Reznik's True Dark Love Tale

A True Dark Love Tale

Many people think my novel, THE GIRL FROM LONG GUYLAND, is autobiographical. I take it as a compliment even though it is not true. This is the real story of how I met my husband. A dark love tale.

He stood across the crowded bar and smiled at me. Please don’t laugh, but it felt like Romeo and Juliet at the Capulet ball, or Tony and Maria in West Side Story. Everyone around us blurred as I looked into his brown eyes and he moved closer.

We had obstacles to overcome. My good friend had briefly dated him. She was with me at the bar the night we met.

I had travelled 2000 miles from New York to New Mexico to buy a line of castings from a jewelry manufacturing company called Rainwater Products.  An appointment had been set up to meet with the owner the next morning. The meeting was predestined.

At 10:00 the next morning, I headed out to meet the owner of Rainwater. The receptionist offered me some coffee and told me he’d be out in a few moments. You can imagine my shock when I was greeted by him. He looked as surprised as me. We both laughed. He gave me no special deal on the jewelry but invited me out to dinner and a movie.

We never made it to the movie but ended up talking into the early morning. Inevitably we kissed. The most passionate kiss of my life. It was well over twenty years ago, but I still remember that kiss.

We had major obstacles overcome. I was married. Unhappily yes, but married.

I felt little guilt. My husband had cheated on me repeatedly in the past. I had no children. My friend who had dated him was dating other guys. But it was awkward at the least.

More obstacles. My husband made the divorce difficult. I gave away my house, my car, and our joint business for the price of freedom. I moved to New Mexico and got an apartment.

We began to date. Our lifestyles were radically different. He played Rugby. I was a feminist not a rugger-hugger. I hated  the violence in football. Rugby made football seem as tame as a game of ping-pong.

Our relationship persevered. I was a Jewish girl from New York. He was a Hispanic boy from New Mexico. Bagels and Salsa.

More obstacles to overcome. His mother hated me from the beginning. His business went under. We moved in together and reinvented our lives. He went back to school on the G.I. bill. I received a graduate assistantship and pursued an M.B.A.

More obstacles. We had little money. I didn’t like the gang of Rugby players who arrived every night at dinnertime. He felt uncomfortable around my pseudo-intellectual friends. He gave up Rugby. I chose my friends more wisely.

We have been married for over twenty years. We still have many obstacles to overcome. Raising children, dealing with illnesses, injuries, death of our parents, money, jobs, forced retirement, retirement. But love has persevered.

Bianca’s Note: So nice to know that sometimes, there is a bright side to the dark side of love! Thanks to Lara for sharing her story of a love gone right after quite a bit gone wrong.

Lara is offering an eBook copy of her suspense novel, “The Girl From Long Guyland.”  Enter below for your chance to win a copy!

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  1. Lara, your story would definitely make a good novel. Maybe it could be your next one :) My grand-daughter is called Lara--a beautiful name that always brings to mind Dr Zhivago.


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